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I had to set an amout for the button, so I set it at $250.  You should be able to change the amount once you log into your paypal account.


Thank you for even visiting this page
and even considering helping me out.

I hate even asking anyone to do this, so if and when I ever get my life turned back around, I will repay your generosity!

Thank you again very very much!  Every dollar does help!




Please read my story in its entirety because it may help you or someone you know either avoid or solve a physical problem you or they are having!  In retrospect and with the clear thought process I now have, I can go back through my history and I can tell where I went wrong and what was happening to me.


I went through my teen years playing soccer and being very active physically.  But around the age of 25 I was always feeling very tired and sleepy all day and I was diagnosed with sleep apnea.  This resulted in me undergoing a sleep study and the diagnosis of severe sleep apnea.  For the following 20 years, I don’t recall ever having any dreams.  I never reached the sleep state of deep sleep, otherwise known as REM sleep.  During REM sleep is when you muscles revitalize and rebuild.  You see the Bi-pap/C-pap sleeping machine will help to stop the snoring, but it doesn’t help you reach a deep sleep, and if it does, it is very brief.  So for approximately 35 years, my muscles rarely had a chance to rebuild.


During that time, as a result of little sleep and an aching body, my stress levels were going up.  I would be driving around for my job and my muscles would cramp up while I was driving.  I often had to pull over and try to stretch it out.  I even had a driver stop once and ask if I was OK.  I told him I was, but I was in a terrible amount of pain that day and it took a while to get back behind the wheel without cramping up again.  The cramping often occurred in my stomach, legs, arms, or back.  Half the time it would happen in my sleep and I would wake up in horrible pain with a cramp that took quite a while to go away, but they would also occur during the day and seemed to be triggered by higher stress levels.  Ironic since the illness itself was causing higher stress levels.


At the same time, my then wife was also getting stressed out due to her job.  So much so, she went out on disability due to stress.  With the rising stress levels and the rising cost of property tax, an in-state college for our children looking very expensive, plus with her parents already living in Florida part-time, we felt it was time to get out of NJ and move to FL.  In retrospect, this may have been a mistake because we both had very good, well-paying jobs, but the future was bleak in our eyes, to say the least, if we stayed in NJ.  Especially because we both felt all the stress was a direct result of living there.  Little did I know that most of my stress levels and irritability was due to the pain and issues my body was going through?


At the end of 2004, we relocated.  Sold our home and moved to a beautiful home in Florida.  Unfortunately, the cramping didn’t stop.  Plus the location we moved to was kind of off the beaten path, so a good job nearby was hard to come by.  I attempted to start two businesses when we moved there and worked hard to make them work, but they hit brick walls and didn’t work out.  I tried desperately to find a good paying job and finally did, but with a 45 minute commute.  My then wife found a good job, one she stills has today, but it was in the south part of Orlando and we had to move to make her commute more reasonable.  We relocated to a nice gated community that turned out to be a great place to raise our kids, and today “she” now owns that house and lives there with my children.  I had to leave the job I had found because the commute went from 45 minutes to 75 minutes and the vehicle I had to drive got terrible gas mileage.  I was actually working two jobs at that time, one full-time and one part-time, so I relied on the part-time job to go full-time or find another full-time position.  Due to circumstances beyond my control, that didn’t work out.  But I was able to move on to a new good paying job, and was even then hired away from that position by another company and for an even better position.  Things were going well on the job front, but the pain and cramping was getting worse by the day.  I was getting additional symptoms, like uncontrollable shaking and tremors.


So in 2009, during that good job, I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia.  My doctor prescribed pain medication, muscle relaxers (I was cramping up at night 3-5 times a week), vitamin D, and finally Cymbalta.  This was the day everything started spiraling out of control.  You see Cymbalta is antidepressant that the manufacturer, Eli Lilly submitted to the FDA to treat the pain associated with Fibromyalgia.  So essentially, Eli Lilly and the FDA, along with the prescribing doctor, all feel it is alright to prescribe an antidepressant to someone that isn’t depressed.  Well for me, an antidepressant in my non depressed body made me feel like everything would always be just fine, no worries, be happy all the time.  It created a kind of fog in my head clouding every bit of my thought process.  For years I thought this was Fibro-fog, a state of mind created by fibromyalgia.  And although some of the symptoms became more controllable, I was still cramping and it was getting even worse. 


When the company I worked for in 2011 was having a hard time of it, this is when the economy was in the dumps, the President of the company sold his portion to his partner, and the partner, primarily because of a lack of any incoming funds, had to cut his staff to the bare minimum and let me go.  The Cymbalta made me feel like all will be OK, just send out resumes, everything will be fine.  My wife at the time was getting angry because I was dismissing the fact that I didn’t have a steady job and was trying to again start a business, a partnership with her as the President.  She didn’t like this, felt I was being lazy, and rather than supporting me or figuring out what was wrong with me, she just got angrier.


Then the first of two major incidences helped my health.  The first one was that due to a constant hearing issue and fluid build-up in my ear canal, I had tubes put in my ears.  But during allergy season, there can be a lot of fluid that should typically go down most people’s throats, but my throat was small and it took the path of least resistance and kept flowing to my ears.  So after a couple specialists, it was determined I needed my tonsils removed!  Bingo, I had requested that when I was 25 years old but I was told I was too old, so now I get them out at 45 (crazy).  My tonsils were removed, my pallet was scraped down, and my uvula shortened.  After the healing process occurred my dreams came flooding back to me because I was now reaching deep REM sleep.  Dreams of past events, plus dreams like movies.  It was great.  But I still had fibromyalgia and continued treatment for it.  Fortunately as time passed, the cramping started to subside and it hasn’t nearly been an issue like it was several years ago.  In fact today, I have little to no cramping.


However, the Cymbalta was still screwing with my head and completely clouding my judgment and caused me to act and do things I wouldn’t have done if I was myself and thinking clearly.  So much so that when my ex and I talked about a divorce, I told her if it would make her happy.  I didn’t fight it at all?  This showed I wasn’t thinking clearly because I would have and should have put my children first and found a way to work through our issues.  So the divorce occurred and I went to renew my prescription for 30 days of Cymbalta to be told it would cost $800.  I started decreasing my dosage adding more time between each pill.  But this was the wrong way to come off of this prescription and I slipped into a very severe depression.  I couldn’t sleep, I couldn’t work, and all I could do was cry.  I was nauseated, had chills and sweats, and couldn’t get out of bed.  This lasted nearly a month and a half and I didn’t know what to do.  So I went back to my doctor and with her help was able to get into a program with the manufacturer, Eli Lilly, to get me the drug at no charge.  So I got that prescription and went back to taking my prescribed dose.  Fortunately I stabilized myself and from the doctor, I learned how to come off of the drug the right way.  After I felt I had stabilized somewhat from the depression for a few months, I proceeded to take myself down properly by decreasing the mg dosage per dose.  This was a success and I have been off of that medication for several months but some damage has been done that may never be repaired.  For example, I am not as emotionally stable for example, thinking about what had happened to me or that my kids are so far away, I can easily come to tears.  Something that never had affected me before.


But the overall damage to my life was done!  Essentially, the Cymbalta lead to me not finding a new career, to my divorce, to me losing the house I bought and moved into after the divorce, in going $65,000 in debt, in having no place to live, and having to leave my children in Florida and move in with my sister in NJ!  A series of events I so wish I can turn back the hands of time on and it hurts so bad to think about!


So here I sit today, thinking more clearly and able to see the issues as they occurred in retrospect, but too late to do anything about it.  I feel I can take on any career now and not only work, but work hard and do whatever it takes to get back to where I was.  I am working now as a security guard, but the hourly pay isn’t what I am used to making and even worse, the hours are sporadic and vary a lot in a 7 day work week.  Example, I am only scheduled 24 hours next week, plus I have been scheduled in the past 4:00 PM to midnight and had to return the next day at 6:00 AM to 2:00 PM.  This is makes it impossible to get a second job, and will make getting enough money to move back to Florida painfully slow.  I have entered into a program to negotiate down my debt to $0, but it requires me to pay $775/month for the next 60 months.  I also have to pay $600/month in child support.  Add in auto insurance, fuel, the storage unit my things are in, food, and cell phone, my monthly expenses exceed $1,750/month.  Where I am working now, this would require me to work 100+ hours/month not counting the deductions for tax, UI, FICA, etc.  I currently am lucky to get about 140 hours in a month.  This won’t do.  I really need to be back in Florida so I can be near my kids and create a more stable life, but this looks nowhere in sight.  I have flooded my resume to multiple companies looking for someone in the Orlando area, but no bites yet.


So I am doing something I hate to do, and I am only doing it as a last resort to get me back to my children, and once again build a stable life.  I need to be in Florida should I get an opportunity for a job interview.  I also need to be in Florida so I can find a lawyer that can help me file a class action suit against those responsible for approving an antidepressant as a pain reliever, a move that reeks of nothing but making money!  So I am asking my friends, my family, and total strangers to donate to my cause and help me.  I know you owe me nothing and I don’t want anyone to feel any obligation to help, but if you have some extra cash that you may donate to another cause, please consider donating it to my cause.  I will keep a record and if I ever have the chance, I will repay all or part of your donation (with interest if possible) because I hate asking anyone for any money, but desperate times call for desperate measures.  I am also not asking for a lot.  I figure once I get about $7,500 in the bank, I can pay for my move, and have two months’ worth of money to cover my current expenses plus the rent on a place to live. 


So if you feel compelled to help someone extremely down on his luck and want donate any amount of money, I truly thank you in advance from the bottom of my heart, and please go to this webpage:!donate/c220a


I had to set up the donate button with a dollar amount, so I selected $250, but you are welcome to change the amount when you place the donation.  It will be made to my PayPal account and you can make it with your PayPal account, a credit card, or even direct bank draw.  You can also directly pay via PayPal to the email address or you can email me to ask me any further questions or ask for more information.  If you feel most comfortable sending a check, you can mail it to Eric Zink, 13 Braemar Ct, Andover, NJ 07821.


Again, I cannot express my gratitude enough for you even considering helping me! 


Thank you very much and god bless!


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