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New and gently used products, Disneyana, sports collectibles, vinyl records, vintage sheet music, stamps, new/used computer hardware & software, tools, vintage books, new and unique products for the home, for play, or for work that make your life easier.  Unique services that do the same, make your life easier. 


We have so many partners and suppliers that we have been working with for over 20 years, but we also scour garage sales, yard sales, storage units, auctions, and estate sale for unique and rare single items and larger lots, so please bookmark our page and look for our product listings to change frequently, bringing you one EZ place to come to find something used, something new, something fun, something 4 U!

M e e t   E r i c :
A B O U T   O U R   P R O D U C T S

Hi, I am Eric L Zink, founder and operator of, a division of EZ Enterprises, LLC.  I have been collecting unique items and seeking great bargins for all my life, and I have decided to bring what I enjoy doing most, directly to YOU, the people!

The goal of EZHelp4U is to bring to you, in an EZ to use format that is EZ to look at and read, hundreds of unique and hard-to-find products and services.  Items such as are collectibles and Disneyana.  Useful items for the home.  Quality gently used (green) products.  Links to unique, as well as popular partners, with great products and services themselves.  Motivational insight and ideas.  Customizable products that include almost everything under the sun.


Essentially, an ever changing plethora of incredible bargains, deals, thoughts and information, that you will want to bookmark and visit daily to see what's new!

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